Saturday, 28 February 2009

Why am I doing this?

Good question... I don't really know myself. Perhaps it is a means of helping me cope with everything that goes on in my world. Sometimes I think that my life would make a great soapie show with all the crap that has happened in it over the past 30 or so years.
A long time ago, when trying to deal with one of the crappy episodes in my life, I actually gave in an sought the help of a counsellor, whose only suggestion was for me to write down stuff that bothered me, happened to me, happened around me as a means of analysing what was going on deep down. So I did that for a while, but soon lost interest. Lately, there have been some more things happening to annoy the hell out of me, depress me, anger me, so I decided to write it down here. Maybe someone who reads it might have some other ideas or strategies for coping with life's crappiest moments.
It is my intention now to make a committment to myself to write in here everyday with all that is bothering me, happening to piss me off, happening around me, causing me grief and so on. It will probably bore the rest of the world to tears but at least I can get it out of my system. Just maybe some of it will keep the black dog at bay for a while.

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