Saturday, 28 March 2009
Missed a few...
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Monday 23rd
Monday, 23 March 2009
Sunday 22nd
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Saturday 21st
My head began to ache, and so did my back. I felt physically sick about the time that we got in the car and made ready to leave the carpark. That feeling stayed with me until about an hour after my grandson had gone to bed. I am finding that what John suggested I do - write down how I am feeling and what I think triggered those feelings - is a useful tool in dealing with this.'
Friday, 20 March 2009
Friday 20th
Thursday 19th
Thursday, 19 March 2009
My Drawing Efforts

These are two drawings I have done in the past couple of days. The little girl is my grand-daughter Phoebe, who lives in New Zealand with her mum, and the boy is Kasey. The only thing missing is the devilment in Kasey's eyes - just can't seem to capture that in his expression.
Just thought I would share my work with my readers.
Wednesday 18th
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Tuesday 17th
Monday 16th
Kasey was a complete nightmare today - everything he could do wrong or to piss me off, he did. How I got through the day, I am buggered if I know. If it wasn't for Colleen being here, I don't know what I would have done.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Sunday 15th
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Migraines & Kids Don't Mix
Friday 13th
Friday, 13 March 2009
Yesterday Sucked
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Just Another Day
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
A Non-Event
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Watching Hamish
Sunday, 8 March 2009
What A Day!!
Over the Edge
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Thursday, 5 March 2009
what time of day in yours?
As I sit here sleepily yawning
Is daylight closing its doors?
Are you awake at your place
or is it the middle of night?
As I prepare for the ratrace
do your pleasant dreams take flight?
And when I'm asleep in my bed
is it Monday or Tuesday there?
Are night-time thoughts in your head
slipping by without a care?
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Crossing My Fingers
Hell Day
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Time Wasting
Running on Empty
Monday, 2 March 2009
It RAINED !!!!
Nothing is Simple or Straightforward
Last Night's Tea
- I hate food
- My dad says I don't have to eat anything
- If my dad says it's yuk, it's yuk - okay!
- Don't like poo butter
- I not eating my begables
- Don't want it
- This stinks
- I will die if I eat this stuff
And so it went... In the end I took it off him and told him that he wasn't getting anything else - to which he replied "Look moron, my dad will get me icecream if I want it!"
This is a 4 year old talking to me, his Nan. And it gets worse. There are days when I could cheerfully choke the little horror. I told my son last night that as of pay day this week, when I do the shopping, Kasey is going on a Feingold diet. It worked for his father 30 odd years ago, let's see if it makes a difference to Kasey. - UK Site explaining E-numbers in foods - the nasty stuff that turns nice kids into monsters. - AUS list of bad E-numbers and what they do to people (not just kids) - this list is HUGE!!! I never realised how large the list of bad crap in our foods was! - site with a huge amount of information about E-numbers and their uses and problems that they cause - worth a read.
Sleep..... What is that?
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Just Concentrate...

The Daily Grind
The frustration of not being able to do simple stuff around the house is getting to me badly. I feel guilty because I can't bend down to unload the dishwasher - so the dishes rack up on the sink and the bench until I can't stand the sight of them any longer and have to physically hurt myself to unload and reload the dishwasher and to clean the bench and sink down. A simple task you say - for you maybe, but not for me. What used to take only a few minutes to do can now take me several hours!! It hurts like hell to bend down to remove the clean dishes from the washer, and it hurts just as much to bend down again to reload it. Doing the dishes in the sink is not an option either. By the time I fill the sink and wash maybe two or three plates, I need to go and sit down, because the standing for even that brief amount of time makes my back hurt badly. By the time I have recovered enough to go back to the kitchen to give it another go, the water is cold and I have to start all over again! So much for water conservation in this house.
It is just as bad in the laundry. I will put a load of washing on to wash and because I can't carry the basket, I need to make numerous trips out to the clothes airer which we have set up on the verandah so that I don't have to make the trek down the back yard to the clothes line. Each trip to the airer carries only a couple of items of washing at a time. It is tiring and after a couple of trips, I need to sit down again - or lay down even - and if I do that I often fall asleep. By the time I wake up the washing has been sitting in the machine for hours and smells musty and needs to be rewashed - more wasting of water, soap powder and electricity!!
The simple stuff is what gets to me the most - getting dressed in the mornings - putting my clothes on - especially shoes and socks - so now I don't wear any, and when winter comes round again, I will live in my ugg boots because it hurts too much to put shoes and socks on! The every day stuff that we all take for granted. Actually, you know what hurts more than anything else? Wiping my backside after going to the toilet! The twisting movement to reach and wipe causes so much pain that it often brings tears to my eyes! If someone had told me that a few years ago I would have laughed myself stupid at the thought - not any more. Now I know better. I used to think that having a bidet was only for the rich and famous and swanky hotels - you have no idea how many times I have wished that we had one in our loo.