Monday, 16 March 2009

Sunday 15th

The day started out okay but deteriorated rapidly into chaos. I slept late - well, late for me anyway - after being up and down all night with myback. Kasey slept later than normal too, which I saw as a blessing, but that was shortlived once he got out of bed. Talk about demanding! I want this, I want that, give me a drink, I want food - and on and on he went.
Heather and Colleen suggested to my son that it would be a good idea if he took the boy out with him for a few hours to give me some peace. He reluctantlu=y agreed and took him over to Roger's place for a couple of hours. The girls and I had planned to go for a nosey down to the Brickworks Markets, just for something to do, and Colleen wated to buy a couple of Kitchen Witches for her house. When the time came to get ready to leave, I didn't feel like going, so had decidedto stay home and have some peace and quite to myself. But that idea was squashed when Linc and Kasey arrived back only about an hou after they left. That changed my mind rapidly, and so we went off to the markets by ourselves with out boy children in tow. We had a lovelly afternoon just browsing around the different stalls- Colleen got 3 witches and I bougth a box of scrapbooking bits for only $4-50 with 2000 items in it; and we all splurged on Jelly Bellies at the Lollypop shop - 49 flavours of jelly beans! YUM!

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