Got through yesterday fairly well - that is until it was time to go home. I remember looking at the clock in the office at Heather's shop and noting the time - 5:13PM - and thinking to myself that it was almost home time! From that moment on the anxiety became gradually worse. I could feel myself tensing up, minute by minute, at the thought of going home and having to face my son and his demands, and my grandson and his demands as well. I have to admit that I had not consciously thought about it before that time, but since I saw John the other day, I have been taking more notice of what I am doing and how I am feeling.
My head began to ache, and so did my back. I felt physically sick about the time that we got in the car and made ready to leave the carpark. That feeling stayed with me until about an hour after my grandson had gone to bed. I am finding that what John suggested I do - write down how I am feeling and what I think triggered those feelings - is a useful tool in dealing with this.'
I am working with Heather again today, so we will see how it pans out by the end of it.
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