Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Hell Day

Yesterday was a nightmare in the extreme!
The day started out okay, as most days do, in the wee small hours when I wake up after only a few hours sleep. As you can see by my last post, I did a bit of artwork to waste some time while the rest of the household slept. But while I enjoyed creating those eggs, I did myself a dis-service in making them - I ended up with a magnificent migraine!
Ever tried coping with an horrific headache with a noisy 4 year old running around the place yelling and screaming, bashing toys and other things together? Can't go and hide in my room because the little bugger will get up to God knows what kind of mischief - Can't go to sleep either, for the same reason.
Managed to talk my son into taking him out for at least a few hours so that I could get some relief from the headache - but that only lasted a couple of hours, then he was back again, yelling and screaming and carrying on.
The headache lasted for 9 hours, and to be 100% honest, I don't think that it has completely subsided yet. There is still a twinge in the right rear area of my head, and it took a bit to get my eyes to focus properly when I got up just a while ago. I hope it stays at bay at least long enough for me to get the shopping done today, and for me to visit the Doc again.
Note to self - get scripts for Sandomigan, Zoloft and ask him to put Mersyndol on the script as well so that it isn't costing me a fortune each week.

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