Thursday, 5 March 2009


Today is not a good day. I woke up way too early again, sat here for a while and tried to tire myself out so that I could get some more sleep, but it didn't work. My migraine from a couple of days ago is threatening to come back - I had a small aura about half an hour ago, which is usually a good sign that a migraine is imminent. Most times I can function for about 2 hours after the onset of a migraine aura, but after that I can forget all about doing anything except hiding my head under a pillow with my ears blocked with cotton wool.
I don't want a migraine today - I have Kasey all day on my own today, and I have to go to the Doc's again at midday. Please don't come on full force, but I know it will - the nausea has already started. The whole thing with migraine is that it is so overwhelming - no overpowering is probably a better description. It takes over everything and reduces me to a basket case. I can't do anything at all when I have a really bad one. I HATE MIGRAINE HEADACHES with a passion. Can someone tell me how to cure them permenantly please?

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