Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Crossing My Fingers

Went shopping today and spent ages reading all the labels on the foods that I normally buy looking for all the bad stuff that sends Kasey ratty! Looks like I have to change my shopping habits considerably - most of the stuff has something or other artificial in it. BUT we did it - we got him a stack of fresh fruit & vegies and proper butter and cheese without yellow colouring and cordial without red/green/yellow in it - didn't cost that much more really. A couple of things were more expensive, but on the whole it wasn't all that much more than normal. I just hope that this whole Feingold Diet thing works for him. I added a bit to it as well - I got him some Brauer Natural Calm drops from the Chemist and I have already given him a couple of doses of it - and it seems to be helping straight up - so perhaps the nearly $20.00 that I paid for this stuff is going to prove its worth.

I really hope that this works for him, because he is really getting too much to handle. He is driving everyone up the wall with his incessant chatter, outright obnoxious behaviour, rudeness, aggression, weird sleeping patterns, refusal to do as he is asked and much more besides. Don't like having to do this to him, he likes his special treats on shopping days, but he can't have them now. So I have come up with an idea that I am hoping will help him understand what he can and can't have.

We bought some stickers today when we did the shopping and together, he and I put the stickers on the foods that Kasey is allowed to have. I have been reinforcing this by telling him to check for stickers on the packets or tins or whatever. If it has a sticker on it, he is allowed to have it, if it doesn't he can't have it. I have also cut up a heap of junk mail flyers while he was asleep today and made him a chart with foods he can have on it. If it isn't on his chart, then he can't have it. There is a promise of something really special for him if he can get his behaviour under control a bit within two weeks. This means that he has to stop the bad behaviour and the back chat etc. by next shopping day, and if he has, then he will get something special bought for him. If he keeps up the bad behaviour, then no specials will be forthcoming. He seems to be in agreeance with this, but hell, he is 4 years old (going on 24!), and it is still only the first day.

We will see what the next few days brings - I am keeping my fingers crossed!

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